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Re Use it


Before you throw anything out the first thing to ask yourself is can it be used by anyone else. This way you will reduce waste and may raise money for a good cause.

The following things can generally be re-used:

1.Clothing and textiles.

2. Bric-a-brac, jewellery and crockery.

3. Toys, books, records, cassettes and CD's

4. Household and electrical goods.

All of the above can be re-used and disposed of in the following ways:

Charity Shops

Car Boot & Garage Sales


Newspaper Ads

Second Hand shops


In addition a wide range of other items can be re-used as follows:


Many items of furniture can be disposed of through the above methods. In addition many items of furniture can be used by charities helping the homeless. As they are charitable organisations no payment is made for items donated. The following collect old furniture for this purpose:











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